Technology Provider
Sesame Seed Priming, Pelletizing and Coating services we are offering under Licence Agreement with Tamil Nadu Agricultural university (TNAU) – a 148 years old internationally highly reputed Government premium research institute who has developed and patented the technology of Sesame Seed pelletizing after extensive research and field trial.WE are Southern Enterprises, 40 years old Agro chemicals and Polymers manufacturing company based at Chennai, India. We are licence holder to commercialize the technology under our brand name Perfect Seed Pellets. We are the only Indian company in Seed Priming, Pelletizing and Coating business offering services with most economical and prompt professional methods. Perfect Seed Pellets are made using technology perfected by TNAU using Eco-friendly, Bio degradable raw materials. It is highly economical to use.
Advantage of Perfect Seed Pellets
Our Perfect Seed Pellets are prepared using Eco-friendly natural bio-degradable raw materials.
· We also do the pelletising of Vegetable and other seeds.
· Pelletising increases and uniform the size of seeds for precisely line seed sowing by machine or hand on soil with uniform spacing between two seeds.
· It also fill-in and smooth out irregular shapes and surfaces to give seed a more “drill-dynamic” profile.
· Increase seed weight to prevent drifting during broadcast plantation or aerial seeding.
· Pelettising reduces the amount of seed required to plant and cuts the work of thinning of the crop.
· Pelettising will be helpful to overcome nutrient deficiency and give higher vigour and uniform yield.
· Pelletising of irregular shaped, small and light seeds is favourable as then it is easy to handle because of their uniform size and can be treated as large round shaped seeds.
· Pelletizing simplifies singulating seeds in the field and help in planting them in precise locations. For crops like Sesame, precise seed placement is of great advantage as uniform seed development is assured with equal distance planting.
· Planter machineries for seed planting can be used. To facilitate the free flow of these seeds in the planters, pelletizing of the seed is very useful.
· Wider pellet density range allow more accurate spacing of seeds at consistent depth in wide range of planting conditions.
· Pelettising of seeds can be one of the lowest input costs for farmers. It allows crops to emerge faster, grow uniformly, and develop into healthy, robust plants.
· Pellets can be colored as required so as to makes it easy to identify different varieties within the same species.
The informations given above are in good faith. However no guarantee is given on our part as customers method of processing, treatment, intended use etc. are not known to us. Seeds, crops and plants are live things and as such utmost care should be taken to test our product and then to process it. Client should test all the properties before using our products in bulk.
for more details please visit our website.